Saturday, December 1, 2018

Coming Soon: "Cody's Wizarding World of Having Nothing Better to Do" Reviews

Well, November was a nice rest. Halloween wore me out so bad that I was wondering if I was ever going to get back into the swing of my blogging endeavors and torture you all with the thought of me having so much free time that I sit around, watch movies, and write about them. So! Let's not dilly the dally any longer, I came here today because for the month of December '18, I'll be revisiting the Harry Potter movies. That's right; I've elected to save people some money by digging my own grave.

Sounds fun, am I right? Yeah, but it's been quite an eternity since I've seen them all. As they went on, I watched them less and less. One and Two I've seen the most, Three and Four I've seen the next "most", Five and Six I think I've seen once or twice apiece, and both of Seven I think I've seen once. People this day in age tend to look at you funny when you tell them you're not that into Harry Potter, and by "look at you funny" I mean audibly go "What?". Yeah, I was never a big fan of Harry Potter. Sure, they're good family movies, they just were never something I pounded on the door of movie theaters to let me see. I have a curse of my own you could say (heh heh). The whole story just seemed a little backwards to me, but that's alright I suppose (Tries desperately to tip-toe explanation through minefield of agitated readers). It's the story of a boy wizard whom a totally inept villain failed to kill because he was protected by love, who finds that he's been "accepted to a wizarding school" that he didn't even apply to, to be trained as a wizard and be re-introduced into the very world that could get him killed in the first place? Didn't make much sense to me... but I digress. There's a lot of stuff more explained in the books that I'm missing. I think Chamber of Secrets and Order of the Phoenix were the only two books I read. See? I'll bet your nails are digging into the back of your phone or tablet as we speak.

So consider this an outsider's perspective. I know marginally-minimal things about the lore, the world and the characters, so I'm ignoring all of that. I'll let the lore built in the novels speak for itself and leave it be. I'm simply reviewing the movies: How they entertain, how they look, how they sound, and how they tell a story as movies. Not as Harry Potter movies. Let me make that clear: Put down your knives and pitchforks, because again, I like these movies. You just may not agree with how I'm going about it. I'll see about setting up a weblink so that you can send me hate mail. SO. Without further ado, I'll get watching. If you're interested, feel free to give 'em a click when they're out. They'll at least be humorous if nothing else!

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