Sunday, April 22, 2018

Cody's Top 30 Favorite Movies of All-Time: #1 - Back to the Future

Holy schmoly, we've finally made it. Cody's numero uno favorite movie-o of all time. The single greatest piece of time travel storytelling that has ever come down the pike. No joke. I could watch this movie on a loop until the day I croak.

Back to the Future starts out in the year 1985. Marty McFly is a seventeen-year-old high school student who is, by all intents and purposes, a "slacker". He has a girlfriend named Jennifer Parker and a family who struggles to make ends meet while his father George is an awkward loser and his mother Lorraine is an alcoholic. His dad's coworker, Biff, is a narcissistic, petty bully still tormenting George even thirty years after high school. When Marty's best friend, the eccentric disgraced nuclear physicist "Doc" Emmett Brown calls him and asks him to come to the mall to document and showcase his new invention, Marty attends. There, he finds that Doc has invented a time machine, out of a DeLorean. As Doc is getting ready to travel twenty-five years into the future to 2010 (which is eight years in the past for us, *sobs*) Libyans that Doc stole plutonium from arrive and kill him for revenge. Marty escapes in the DeLorean, but accidentally travels back in time to 1955. Trapped in the past with the DeLorean's depleted plutonium supply, Marty searches for the 1955 Doc Brown to assist him getting the time machine back up and running. In the process, he accidentally alters his past and prevents his parents from meeting when he pushes his teenage father, George, out of the way of a car. Marty realizes if he doesn't get his parents together, he will cease to exist as a new timeline will materialize in which he will never be born.

It now becomes Marty's mission to 1) Restore his future by ensuring that George asks Lorraine to the "Enchantment Under the Sea" dance at Hill Valley high school, which is "where they kiss and fall in love for the first time" and 2) Successfully repair the DeLorean and return to 1985 with Doc Brown's help. So, the entire movie becomes one giant adventure as Marty struggles with the awkward task of making his parents fall in love...because you know, we'd all probably struggle with that kind of monumentally awful task. I know I would. (Hi mom).

Back to the Future is a movie I want to spoil everything for you and yet spoil nothing at all at the same time. I don't want to spoil Marty's plan for getting his parents back together nor Doc's plan for getting Marty back to the future. There's scenes in the movie that are so iconic and ridiculously popular, you'll wonder how you haven't already seen this movie. Alan Silvestri's score with the familiar Back to the Future motif, Huey Lewis and the News's "The Power of Love", Marty at the Enchantment Under the Sea dance and the best climax in any motion picture anywhere (in my opinion) in the Race to the Future at the clock tower. If you haven't seen, stop what you're doing (even if you're driving) and watch this movie immediately. You'll love every moment of it. It's truly that good.

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