Saturday, April 21, 2018

Cody's Top 30 Favorite Movies of All-Time: #2 - Star Wars

You knew this was either #1 or #2, didn't you? Don't you give me that look, you knew this was coming. I'll bet you could smell it a mile away, eh?

Star Wars I have beaten to death talking about in this blog. I've covered so many topics and yet for every one topic I've covered about it, there's at least fifty other topics I haven't even touched upon. The universe of Star Wars is too huge for any one man to encompass in a lifetime even, so its difficult for me to really peg down the entire saga and really discuss anything beyond just the movies with any sort of merit.

The first movie, though. I wrote an entire retrospective on it thinking it was going to kickstart a long, winding breakdown of the entire franchise and its releases and re-releases. So I've covered it in great detail. I don't think my opinions on it has changed. So if you'd like to read that, click here. I won't go ahead and beat a dead horse by writing another post about it. So consider this just a preface to the actual post, which you can read clicking on that link. It's a full in-depth look, so it's going to be more girthy than the posts have been up to this point, but hey, it's #2. Thanks! Now, enjoy the most iconic opening sequence in all of motion picture history.

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