Friday, December 30, 2022

Cody's 200th "Spoiler Alert!" Post

Wow. I can't believe I've hit this landmark. Sure if I kept a regular schedule and maintained the blog, never lost interest, and had a great plan for writing consistently... I would've hit this landmark a few years ahead of this. But, not to poopoo on myself. I did manage two hundred posts in this blog about movies. A pastime that I enjoy thoroughly and an artform I study the techniques of just for my own giddy reasoning.

TWO. HUNDRED. How crazy is that? You know when I started doing this in 2014, I didn't think I'd keep up with it like I have. I was twenty-one at the time and still in college, juggling discovering beer on my own, mediocre grades, video games, dirty laundry, and how to schlep home in the snow for holiday weekends with my parents. By the time of writing this, I'm about thirty years old, just a few months shy anyway. Wild! How time flies. From my lightest year (2021, I didn't write in it once thanks to my podcast duties) to my HEAVIEST year (2018... a whopping seventy posts in fifty-two weeks); consistency has never been the name of the game but I'm here now.

It's also the end of 2022. What do I want to do in the blog for 2023? Well, for starters, I like reviewing movies but I tend to review movies that have been out for many years, in some case a couple decades or more. Movies my dad showed me at a young age or just old movies I discovered on my own that I then wanted to talk about on here. I have done some newer stuff, like the MCU Netflix shows and a couple movies I reviewed while they were in theaters. To keep the blog fresh, and up to date, I'd like to start trying new movies out and writing about them in my immediate aftermath of viewing. Movies either in theaters or released one of the many, many streaming services available to the populace. Now, that isn't to say I'm running out of my favorite movies to review and post on here. Not by a mile, there are still a ton of my "top 30 favorite" movies I can do full, dedicated reviews for and their sequels/prequels/in-between-quels, and have plenty of material to cover me for the year. Not to mention, I believe there are a couple more countdowns and tributes I left hanging that I'd like to pick up and finish... Looking at you, "Ranking the Star Wars movies".

Any NEW series ideas I want to do? A couple I thought of since picking the blog back up a couple weeks ago... I'd like to step through the careers of a couple of my all-time favorite directors. The guys I rank on my personal list as number one and number two as best directors of the modern era: James Cameron and Quentin Tarantino. That means we'll see full-length review of some movies that have probably been pending for some time now, and even people who know me the best who go "Why hasn't he done these yet?", this would be a perfect opportunity for me to do them, and fill up more than enough time and probably cover me 'til mid 2024 if I space them out enough, thinking of #BloggerFridays being the posting/sharing dates if I can keep it consistently... plus if you've been following along this whole time, 2024 would mark the ten year anniversary of when I first started Spoiler Alert to begin with!

I didn't really have a plan for this, and I do apologize if this came off as me patting myself on the back or typing about how awesome I am; certainly wasn't my intention. I can't stand egotists and narcissists so if I tend to inadvertently play the role, you're free to slap me silly the next time you see me!

Thank you for reading this quick little post, and I'll see everybody here in 2023!

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