Thursday, August 29, 2019

Cody's Top 20 Favorite TV Shows of All-Time

*Gasp* *Shock* *Awe* What is Cody doing back randomly? I thought he was dead.

Nope. Not dead. You're welcoming, student loan agency. You can still come to collect my head. It's true. I have taken an unscheduled, near 3 month sabbatical from blogging. I don't know why. I think it's just because I come home from work too mentally drained to write anything anymore, but there's still many projects I'd like to do, and I'm not done ruining your favorite movies with my opinions yet. Well, on top of the other unfinished projects I've got going, I've decided to throw yet another on the pile. Remember a couple years ago when I counted down my Top 30 Favorite Movies of all time? Well, it was a semi-resounding success... and by that I mean about four people were curious to see how the list turned out. Now what I'd like to do is something completely unexpected... my Top 20 Favorite TV shows of all time.

This is an interesting twist. We don't talk a lot about TV shows in this blog... alright other than The X-Files and The Walking Dead... But ranking all of my favorite shows in a few blog posts sounds like a great way to spend the start of Football season. Since the Packers are liable to be garbage, anyway. So consider this my official list of the shows I could binge again and again, or the shows I could always pop in a random episode of... or two, or three, or seventeen... who knows. From childhood favorites my dad showed me to ones I discovered on my own and have a great love for and get a rather big enjoyment out of. I just wanted to write this brief little follow-up and say that even though the last time you heard from me was June 1st, I am indeed not deceased and will continue to blog. Oh, and I plan on doing something for Halloween too... but I haven't decided yet. I know, running down to the wire. It's how I live my life. So prepare for some blog posts coming soon counting down my Top 20 Favorite TV shows of all time, my last entry in the Lethal Weapon Anthology, the final part of my The Room review, and then my Halloween 2K19 spectacular. Stay tuned... as they said... before TV went to digital and ruined a lot of tropes.

I'll be throwing opinions at you soon! Also, enjoy this generic Google image funny.

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