Tuesday, June 13, 2017

Cody's Top 30 Favorite Movies of All-Time

One thing I've never done on here is rank my favorite movies of all-time. I often tote that one is, or that one "is in my top five/ten", but I've never ranked them. When I try to rank them, they change. When I try to re-rank them, I discover one that's really good and that I watch over and over again, and I change it again. For film buffs, keeping up with your favorite movies and trying to pick them

Someone once said "Picking your favorite movies is never easy. It's always an incomplete list. It's always changing along with your tastes, interests, feelings and aspirations". So consider this an unfinished list. We'll do...thirty. Seems like a good number. This'll be a list I'll no doubt probably have alterations for sometime down the road, be it tomorrow or ten years from now. Most of the list will remain intact. Obviously, for one reason or another, it's extremely difficult for any movie to break into your top ten, harder than hell to break into your top five...and downright impossible to replace your favorite of all-time. Besides, for those of you know me, you can probably guess a few.

Each post will be clear and concise, so that I won't dread writing them or feel like I have to set aside time. They won't be in-depth reviews, just quick plot summaries, and then why I love them as opposed to why I think they're great. It's the biggest reason why The Nitpick Express gets monotonous to write. which is why it's been almost two months since the last one. I enjoy them, they're funny when they're done, but since I'm such a "big picture" guy, it's difficult for me to devote the time to actually get them there. Plus my attention-span is a bitch.

Anywho, getting side-tracked. I'll go ahead and rank them in the meantime. Expect #20 to kick us off in a few days or so. Until then, enjoy this aardvark while you wait.

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